Thursday 100909


Floor press and kettlebell press



21 – 15 – 9

Thrusters, 95#/65#


Compare to 100413. Post time to comments.


Kelley D says a 350# tire ain't nothin!

By now we would bet most of you have heard about the work we're doing to move into the back space. Many of you have seen it and we can all agree that it would be perfect for us. We'll keep you posted as we move forward with the plans. One thing that always comes with a change such as this is a little bit of reluctance. We feel it, maybe you do to. What will this mean for Evolve? The coaches have talked at great lengths as to what the best thing for the athletes is. We want to give you everything you deserve, and everything you want. As you see on a daily basis, our small space feels even smaller with even a partially full WOD. When weight goes overhead it becomes sporty to say the least. Luckily, the majority of you enjoy moving outside to throw down. But as the 6 am class can tell you, the sun is rising later and fall is on the way. After that, you know what's coming, and half the class outside, though always an option, may not be so appealing. We feel like a larger space will give us more flexibility with the programing, and will be better for you as athletes.

With that said, we know many of you feel as we do that what's been created is special. We don't want to loose that. The type programming won't dramatically change. The vibe from the coaches won't change. The quality won't change. We will not cram 20 people into WODs (it's not about being big, it's about being awesome!). We don't expect you to change (and let's face it, the greatness of this place is you athletes and your attitude). So we're asking you to comment, either right here right now, or to us personally. What else do you want to stay same? What can we do to keep the feel that you've come to love? Is this a good move? A bad move? We value your input because this is your box. Tell us your thoughts – let's light up the comment section today!

16 thoughts on “Thursday 100909”

  1. grrr I knew Fran would show her evil face sometime soon…
    As far as the new space is concerned I am EXTREMELY excited about it. So many possibilities with it, and like Gene explained to the evening classes, the transformation and process of making it “ours” will be a great thing for all of the athletes to be a part of.
    If the transition is approached with the same principle ideas of practicality and functional necessity that were initially applied with the space we currently occupy, I don’t see how you can go wrong.

  2. Congrats on the new space guys. Now there will be enough room for some treadmills so everybody can keep up the running during the winter months.

  3. I think moving forward with the new space is exciting! What we have going on at Evolve will only get better with some growth.

  4. I have been super impressed since becoming a member of Crossfit Evolve. People make the difference, and what I have seen so far has been incredible. I am excited at the possibilities that more space will open up. 🙂
    Dear Fran,
    You are ruthless.

  5. I would like to say that Crossfit Evolve has been the best way endure pain and suffering that I have found. To suffer though a WOD with a little more room and a couple more people is exciting to say the least.
    I’m also wondering like Sarah- is there going to be a Mr. Miyagi/Karate Kid WOD?

  6. More room, more sweat, more weight throwing down, more people cheering= a BIGGER evolve family! I think it is great. Sign Todd and I up for the sat wod’s for painting and moving over to teh new spot.

  7. If I am needed for the build I will get the cut off Jean shorts, sleeveless shirt and tool belt and we can all be macho men and maybe even sing a song with the words “Macho Men”

  8. Neil – Actually its about the elipticals…easier on the joints, and better for the glutes.
    Keane – It has been proven that 80’s music montages do indeed speed up any kind of work.

  9. Jon and Gino, Evolve rocks. Its that way because you and your families have made it such. And made the sacrifices. As long as getting bigger does not dim your fire, because you know there will be problems with any venture of this type. But with the current enthusiasm, I do not think it will. Dollie and I look forward to it. Oh, and will there be room for a pec deck or two?

  10. Eliptical, pec decks, jeans shorts! I love it. This is exactly what we hoped to turn into. Thanks for the positive vibe you guys, it’s good stuff.
    And to everyone who came through today, you guys did great. The place was on fire! That WOD is all about heart and guts and you all proved that you have tons of both. Well done!

  11. If I see Jorts, I am out!!!! Otherwise, I love Evolve!! It is the coaches and the athletes that make the Gym what it is. I look forward to hanging out and struggling through a difficult WOD with my FRIENDS. I would love to see more room but that would only be a plus. In other words, I will be the first person to sign up for the “paint the walls for time” WOD. As long as we keep the family atmosphere that has developed, I would love to see a bigger Gym.

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