Monday 200824

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“It’s Goin’ Down”

Complete the following for time:


Hang Power Snatches (75/55)

Thrusters (75/55)

After Each Round: 30 Double Unders


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Karah with those dubs!

CompTrain Daily Mindset!

Very strong words especially now, in the times we find ourselves in. Appreciate what you have while you have it.

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“Trade your expectation for appreciation, and the world changes around you” – Tony Robbins

Routines and habits become part of the norm. Morning coffee, listening to the radio, the drive to the field taking the kids to practice. We appreciate healthy habits, and let’s continue to reinforce them. There is, however, much to be said about taking a pause to our routine, to appreciate the fortune in our lives. The absolute abundance we are so lucky to have.

In a world where comforts are the “norm”, we want to consciously remind ourselves how good our lives are. The thought of losing those precious parts of our day is a sobering one. But despite it being a morbid thought, we will. There will be a final cup of morning coffee for us. There will be the last chance for us to listen to the radio. And if we are lucky enough to have kids, there will be a last time we *get* to wait in traffic as we drive them to soccer practice.

As Tony Robbins quotes, if we can remove expectations from the norm, and replace them with a sense of gratitude, our entire world changes.

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