Tuesday 200728



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In 12:00 Build to a Heavy Complex:

2 Push Press

3 Push Jerks




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Complete the following for time:


Push Press 115#/85#

Dumbbell Box Step Overs 50#/35#, 24″/20″

Directly Into…


Push Jerks 115#/85#

Box Jump Overs 24″/20″




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Katie McD!

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 CompTrain Daily Mindset.

We talk about having mental toughness but not really about grit. Grit is similar to mental toughness but takes it a step further. Having grit sets people apart, you can tell who has it and who doesn’t. 

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“I’ll either find a way, or I’ll make one.” – Hannibal

Said by a man who got elephants to climb a mountain.

Angela Duckworth, a leading expert on the study of “grit”, defines it as follows:

“Passion and sustained persistence applied towards long-term achievement, with no particular concern for rewards or recognition along the way.”

If there is a single attribute that is the closest correlate to success, it may very well be grit.

Grit is very much in line with our definition of “mental toughness”. To give our unconditional best, regardless of the circumstances.

It’s doing the unsexy hard work… when no one’s watching.
It’s refusing to see a “failure” as “defeat”.
It’s refusing to believe that elephants can’t climb mountains… and then proving it.

We look to the past not to seek out what is possible. We look to the past to study ways that have worked before.

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