Tuesday 200714

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“Tripple Play”

Complete as many rounds and reps in 20:00 of the following:

200 Meter Run, 3 Box Jumps, 3 Power Cleans

200 Meter Run, 6 Box Jumps, 6 Power Cleans

200 Meter Run, 9 Box Jumps, 9 Power Cleans
[Add 3 Box Jumps + Power Cleans Each Round]

Barbell: 135/95

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Open Gym In The Box.

Well, it has been one week since you all gained 24 hour access to the gym, how has it been? Do you love it? Hate it? Don’t care? Well, we hope its the first one! Here are some pro tips: if you find yourself at an open gym or the Community Workout and there are other people there, ask around and see if anyone else wants to join in on your planned WOD  or maybe what they’re doing sounds better and you do their WOD. To fully embrace this community led model you guys will need to talk to each other, weird concept I know =)  Once you know who’s doing what, talk about how long you all need to warm up and get ready, then start the WOD together. Once you do this a couple times it will seem much easier, trust us. Don’t be scared to talk to people you don’t know, introduce yourself and have a great workout with some new friends! And, as always, if you need anything just reach out to us. 

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