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Technique Work
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Technique work for 20:00:
Power or full Snatch is fine, choose what you need to work on
Technique work for 20:00:
Clean and Jerk
Power or full Clean, Power or Split Jerk is fine, choose what you need to work on
This is meant to be light and get us used to moving a barbell again. Work on the technique!
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Technique Work Thursday!
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The Program And Strength Work, Things You Should Know.
For those of you guys who are coming into the gym for your workouts or who are working out with your equipment at home following the gym program, we want to share with you the intent of what things will look like. We’ve been out of the gym for many weeks. We’re operating under the assumption that you’ve been throwing down the at home programming, which based on the SugarWOD board many of you have. During this time you continued to work on building your motor. There were plenty of sprints, double-unders, and burpees. You also got a ton of body weight movement in, and even some lighter weighted movements with a single KB, DB, or sandbag.
What we’ve missed out on is the strength work. Even if you checked out a barbell, you likely didn’t have enough weight to work at 80% plus for any barbell movement. As we ease back into our routine, you’re going to see a focus on that strength work. Deadlifts, back squats, front squats, power cleans, presses, snatches, you name it. But you’ll also see an intentionality in weight and volume. It’s important during this time for us to build back slowly. You’ll see percentages referenced that we want you to stick to, and you’ll see these lifts show up in the conditioning. Shorter AMRAPs will be a regular occurrence as we start back on the movements that we weren’t able to do at home.
Of course you’ll still see all of the other movements you love and hate. Yep, there will still be burpees so you don’t need to worry about that! There’s the possibility the first few sessions with weight on the bar for you to get bummed out because what was once light now feels kind of heavy. This is going to happen at first, but it won’t last. Stick to the plan, follow the program, and we’ll all be back in no time! See you in there!