[rs-box_content style=”basic_block” txt_color=”#000000″ bkg_color=”#ECECEC” brd_color=”#636363″]
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In 20:00 build to a “heavy” 5 rep:
Back Squat
Similar to the Deadlift earlier this week, this is not a max out session. Be smart!
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Complete 2 rounds of the following for reps:
1 Minute of Hollow Rocks (holds)
1 Minute of Front Plank
1 Minute of V-ups (tuck ups)
1 minute of Side Bends (:30 ea side)
1 Minute of Rest
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Bye Emmy! Sad to see you go be we know you will drop in when you can!
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Want To Sign Up For Class?? Email Coach Lo!
Reminder, if you’d like to attend in person classes, you need to email Coach Lo and let her know to restart your membership! Otherwise you won’t be able to sign up in Zen Planner. Her email is, lauren@www.test.crossfit-evolve.com. Let us know if you have any questions!