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“Nasty Dozen”
Complete as many rounds and reps in 12:00 of the following:
50 Air Squats
7 Strict Pull-ups
10 Double Dumbbell Power Cleans
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Weekly Challenge Number 7!
This week is going to be all about the cold! We are challenging all of you to take a 30 second (at least) cold shower every day, thats it! You can finish your regular shower with :30 of cold or wake up first thing in the morning and get under some cold water for those 30 seconds. Cold showers or being exposed to the cold has been shown to strengthen the immune system, improve blood circulation, reduce blood pressure, improves sleep quality, reduces recovery time, and instantly lifts your mood. See how many days you can take a cold shower and feel the benefits of it!
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Coach Jeff with a workout brief for “Nasty Dozen”.
Here is a video from Coach Jeff explaining the workout. Let us know if you have any questions, hope to see you all at our Zoom classes either at noon or 5 pm!
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