Friday 200515

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“90 Shiny”

Complete the following for time:


Dumbbell Power Cleans

50 Double Unders After Each Round

Directly Into…


Dumbbell Front Squats

50 Double Unders After Each Round


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Two Part Double Dumbbell Workout For Friday!

Today you will be doing a two part workout with double dumbbells, if you have them. There is no rest from the first couplet to the second one. The Double Unders will be completed after each DB movement, meaning you do 21 Power Cleans and then 50 Double Unders, 15 Power Cleans then 50 Double Unders, and continue on to the 9s. For all the different equipment variations, scaling options, and demo videos make sure to check out the “Workout Prep Notes” section in SugarWOD or ask the coaches!

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Coach Josh with a workout brief for “90 Shiny”.

Here is a video from Coach Josh explaining the workout. Let us know if you have any questions and we hope to see you guys at either the Nooner Zoom class or the 5pm class! REMINDER: NO 7PM ZOOM TONIGHT 






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