Thursday 200423

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“Tosh Sprints”

Complete 3 rounds for time of the following:

200 Meter Run

400 Meter Run

600 Meter Run

Rest 1:1 Between Runs


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Who’s ready for some sprints!?!

Trivia Night On Friday!

This Friday we will be having trivia night for the Sip n’ Stretch at 7pm. You will need to download the KAHOOT App and have 2 devices, one for the Zoom call and one for answering questions. This will be a fun change to the Sip n’ Stretch and we hope to see you all there. If you have any questions email or txt Coach Lo.  

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Coach D with your workout brief for “Tosh Sprints”!

Here is a video from Coach D explaining the workout. Let us know if you have any questions and we hope to see you guys at either the Nooner Zoom class or the 5pm class!!




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