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“Tabata Something Else”
Complete 8 rounds of :20 on and :10 off of the following:
Strict Pull-ups
Air Squats
You will complete all 8 rounds on one movement before going to the next
“Tabata Something Else” (No Equipment Version)
Complete 8 rounds of :20 on and :10 off of the following:
Odd Object Rows
Air Squats
You will complete all 8 rounds on one movement before going to the next
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Scanlan CrossFit is open for fitness and looking good!
Body Armor On SugarWOD!
Did you know, there is now a Body Armor section in SugarWOD that you all can access with extra accessory work?? Well there is, how neat is that!?! This is a great finisher to any workout that will get you working on things you maybe wouldn’t normally do AND in a non-timed manner. You will see movements to build your core, upper body, and lower body. Have fun doing these and get that body feeling strong and healthy!
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Coach Joshy with your workout brief for “Tabata Something Else”!
Here is a video from Coach Joshy explaining the workout. Let us know if you have any questions and we hope to see you guys at either the Nooner Zoom class or the 5pm class!!
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