[rs-box_content style=”basic_block” txt_color=”#000000″ bkg_color=”#ECECEC” brd_color=”#636363″]
[rs-divider type=”solid” brd_width=”1″ brd_color=”#636363″/]
Complete the following for time:
50 Single Arm Alternating Dumbbell Squat Cleans
100 Double Unders
50 Hand Release Push-ups
100 Double Unders
50 Single Arm Alternating Dumbbell Squat Cleans
“Round-a-bout” (No Equipment Version)
Complete the following for time:
50 Odd Object Squat Cleans
50 Over and Back Dumbbell Hops
50 Hand Release Push-ups
50 Over and Back Dumbbell Hops
50 Odd Object Squat Cleans
[rs-space space=”30″/]
[rs-image img_url=”https://www.crossfit-evolve.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Photo-Nov-24-1-22-13-PM.jpg” link=”” alt=”” width=”400″ height=”” class=”” type=”img-rounded” border=”img-polaroid” new_win=”no” margin=”” pos=”center” wrap=”no”/]
Hannah’s pulling into the weekend like…
You All Are Amazing!
To all our athletes, you are amazing! We have felt so supported from all of you though this whole ordeal and we wanted to say thank you. From your participation in the Support Your Local Box Fundraiser Event, purchasing t-shirts or clothes from other companies to help raise money, to checking in on us making sure we are doing ok, it all means the world to us. We don’t take your support lightly and it is because of our community that we have the gym we do and we are so grateful for every single one of you.
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Coach Hoff with a workout brief for “Round-a-bout”.
Here is a video from Coach Hoff explaining the workout. Let us know if you have any questions and we hope to see you guys at either the Nooner Zoom class or the 5pm class!
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