Tuesday 200303



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Complete the following for 5 sets:

3-Position Power Clean

3 Push Jerks

These 6 reps are meant to be completed unbroken. The 3 positions we are looking for in the the Power Clean are: High Hang, Hang and from the Floor. 




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“Bottom Line”

Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of the following:

3 Clean and Jerks, 135#/95#

3 Toes to Bar

6 Clean and Jerks, 135#/95#

6 Toes to Bar

9 Clean and Jerks, 135#/95#

9 Toes to Bar

Increase by 3 Reps Each Round




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 Jael getting those T2B!

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Three Position Power Clean.

In the strength portion of todays workout you will be working up in weight for 5 sets of a 3 position power clean and 3 push jerks. Those 6 reps need to be completed unbroken. The 3 position power clean is designed to allow you guys to work through different checkpoints of the movement. The 3 positions are a high hang, hang, and from the floor. Here is the CompTrain Daily Video demoing the different positions and what they should look like.

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