Thursday 200305



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In 15 minutes build to a heavy 3 rep:

Overhead Squat 




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Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of the following:

15 Overhead Squats, 95#/65#

12 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls, 95#/65#

9 Chest to Bar Pull-ups




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 Wendi going overhead!

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Overhead Squat Focus Workout Today.

The overhead squat is a big focus in today’s workout. In the strength portion you will be building to a heavy 3 rep then going lighter in the conditioning piece. For the strength portion we want to see sound movement over weight on the bar. Your coach will give you cues to think about while doing your overhead squats to ensue this. In the condition portion you will be moving lighter weight with the overhead squats and sumo deadlift high pulls. The weight on the bar should allow you to complete the reps in 2-3 quick sets. Because the sumo deadlift high pull is not a movement we do too often, make sure you choose a weight you can keep with the 2-3 quick set guidelines. Ideally you will be using the same bar and scaling to the movement that is the most difficult. On the chest to bar pull-ups, again, we are looking for a rep number or movement variation you can maintain 2-3 quick sets. For the score today, the goal is to get 3+ rounds. Tailor the workout for you so you can achieve that goal. Go out there and have fun today guys!


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