Tuesday 200204



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Strict Gymnastics

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In 10:00 complete one of the following for max reps in 3 sets:

Max Strict Handstand Push-ups

Max Strict Ring Dips

Max Push-ups

Choose one movement, then complete your 3 sets for max reps




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Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 of:

10 Burpees

25 Double Unders




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 Open Gym squat sesh!

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What Are We Doing Here??

You guys have no doubt noticed the amount of time we’ve been spending on the bikes and the rowers. It’s been a lot! We want to give you a little insight as to why. As CrossFit athletes we want to be good at all of the things. We want to have a motor where we can go and go and go, we want to be strong enough to lift heavy weights a few times and lighter weight a bunch of times, and we want to be good at higher skill gymnastics movements. For us to be well-rounded, there has to be a process. The days of just picking random things to do each day hoping to get better are long gone. 

As we look at periodized CrossFit programming, it makes sense to consider year-long training cycles built around the CrossFit Open. We’ve recently been spending a bunch of time building our motor. Lots of intervals on the bike or rower coupled with lower skill movements has been the blueprint. As we move on, you’ll begin to see some heavier weights creep in as well as higher skill gymnastics. This stuff is really fun and it’s important, but consider the goal of CrossFit – increased work capacity – and understand that if we just lift heavy weights all the time without having a conditioned base, it doesn’t help us too much in a workout. If we get really good at muscle-ups without the motor required to do this high skill movement as part of a workout with high heart and respiratory rates, that isn’t ideal either. So there’s a process in the programming so we develop all of the things the right way.

This week you’ll see some higher skill movements coming your way, like pistols and bar muscle-ups. Throwing these movements into the program on top of that motor you’ve been working so hard on is going to be a pretty good time. Trust the process! 


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