Wednesday 200115



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In 12:00 work up to a heavy pausing front squat complex:

1 pausing front squat

1 front squat

Pause for 3 seconds in the bottom of the first squat, no pause in the second squat




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“Four Loko”

On the 4:00 for 5 Rounds:

20/15 Calorie Row

40 Double Unders

7 Front Squats, 165#/115#

2:00 stagger for bigger classes




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 Asher taking a little chalk bucket break!

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4 Minutes To Get All That Done!?!  Well, Less Than That…

In today’s workout, you are working on the 4:00 interval for 5 rounds. The goal is to go through those movements as fast as possible and have at least 1:00 of rest for each round. If you are thinking to yourself, “no way is that happening!”, then lets tailor the workout so you can complete those reps within 3 minutes or less!  Like we learned yesterday, there is a time to go full send and a time to scale back a little. For today, if you know the weight on the front squat is too heavy, go lighter.   If double-unders give you trouble on the reg, then scale reps or practice for 30-40 seconds.  Whatever you do, keep the intensity high on those 3 movements and you will get the intended stimulus for the day. 


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