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Complete the following:
On the 3:00 x 6 Rounds:
24 AbMat Sit-ups
16/12 Calorie Assault Bike
6 Barbell Strict Presses
Build in Strict Press Weight
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When the workout leaves you feeling dead!
Building To A Heavy Strict Press Today!
We get the opportunity today to build to a heavy 6 strict press in the workout, who’s excited about that?? This isn’t the first time we have done this type of workout. You have 3:00 to complete all the work, ideally, you’ll have a minimum of 30 seconds rest allowing you to load your barbell up with more weight. You’ll want to get through the sit-ups and bike as fast as possible to leave yourself some time with the barbell. Because the other two movements don’t get your heart rate up as much, the bike will be where you’ll want to challenge yourself today. This will also likely be the part to tailor if you are looking at the amount of work, concerned about getting it all done within the timeframe. The bike should take 1:00 or less to complete, so, figure out a good calorie number for you that is still challenging but allows you enough time to get your 6 strict press done. The 6 strict press will be coming from the floor and do need to be unbroken. You get to choose what your weight jumps will be, so plan those out prior to the workout to save precious resting time. Get out there and have fun with this one! Who knows, you might surprise yourself with a little PR!
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