Thursday 200116

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Complete for time:


Deadlifts, 225#/155#

Handstand Push-ups

Compare to: 7/21/17,12/2/16, 8/3/16, 5/2/16, 01/06/16, 5/6/15, 1/7/14, 3/4/14, 6/12/13, 2/4/13, 10/29/12, 8/27/12, 3/26/12, 2/2/12


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Jeremy T is ready for “Diane”!

Want To Do Extra Work? After Party Is For You!

Did you know, in SugarWOD, under workout prep notes, ALL the way down at the bottom there is a section called ‘After Party’ and it has extra programming for those of you who are wanting to do some extra work. How awesome is that?!?  This is great to follow because it aligns perfectly with our programming so you know you won’t be doing movements that will be in the next day’s workout. There is strength work, gymnastic skill work, and some conditioning work so whatever you are wanting to improve upon, After Party programming will help. Have a look and if you have any questions, ask a coach!

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