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“Lead Foot”
Complete as many rounds as possible in 4:00 of:
27/21 Calorie Row
27 Burpees
27 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Rest 4 Minutes
Complete as many rounds as possible in 4:00 of:
21/15 Calorie Row
21 Burpees
21 Toes to Bar
Rest 4 Minutes
Complete as many rounds as possible in 4:00 of:
15/9 Calorie Row
15 Burpees
15 Pull-ups
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Be like Becca and come row today!
You Need To Sleep More.
We all do. This is a fact. I recently read Mathew Walker’s book Why We Sleep and was completely blown away about all the research has revealed on the importance of sleep. Below is a piece of an article by Phil White posted by Train Heroic. Give it a look and tuck yourself in a little early tonight!
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The New Rules of Sleep for Athletes
For the longest time, coaches have only considered the need for their athletes to get adequate rest from the perspective of “recovery.” While you must pair this with training stimuli to get adaptation, it’s far from the only reason to prioritize sufficient slumber.
Sleep is also imperative if your clients or athletes are going to commit what they’re learning to long-term memory.
A study conducted by Matthew Walker and referenced in his excellent book Why We Sleep compared undergrads who prepared for a test over several evenings and went to bed at a reasonable time versus those who pulled a pre-exam all-nighter. The results showed that “there was a 40 percent deficit in the ability of the sleep-deprived group to cram new facts into the brain (i.e. to make new memories).”
Most of the studies on this topic have been done with classroom students, but the gym is an equally rich learning environment (and perhaps more so, particularly for kinesthetic learners). Every time an athlete does something physical, it’s an expression of skill, and each skill has an intensely cognitive component.
Simply learning a new motor pattern or honing an existing one in the gym or on the practice field is only half the job when it comes to skill acquisition and progression. For it to take, getting enough premium quality shut-eye is imperative.
In sports as in life, we like to put things in nice little compartments. For example, sleep is one, nutrition another, and performance still another. But human beings and the world we live in don’t work in this reductionist, myopic way. In reality, everything is everything. If one of your athletes is getting consistently poor sleep, it’s not just going to make them feel tired, but will also undermine every facet of their health and wellbeing.
Sleeping less than six hours compromises a player’s energy metabolism to the point that they’re practically pre-diabetic. As I explored in my book with Dr. Frank Merritt, The 17 Hour Fast, sleep deficit also disrupts the balance of ghrelin and other hunger/satiety-related hormones. This makes a tired athlete likely to overeat, even though they don’t necessarily need more food. And because sleep deprivation compromises decision-making ability, they might default to choosing junk food that’s going to further undermine recovery.
Inadequate rest has also been directly correlated with increased injury risk. Matthew Milewski from Boston Children’s Hospital discovered that youth athletes who got eight or more hours of sleep a night were 68 percent less likely to be injured than their sleep-shorting peers.
Then there’s the link between sleep and performance itself. A study of Stanford’s swim team by Cheri Mah found that swimmers who got more sleep were .51 seconds faster per 15 meters, reduced their off-the-blocks reaction time by .15 seconds, and knocked a tenth of a second off each turn time. While this was a small sample, it is indicative of a simple truth: sleep more to perform better.
To read about the tips on improving sleep in the next part of the article check out The New Rules of Sleep for Athletes at Train Heroic!