Thursday 191212

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“Body Slam”

Every 4:00 for 5 rounds complete:

25 AbMat Sit-ups

10 Balls Slams, 40#/30#

5 Push Press

For the push press build in weight each round. See below!


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Push press? Yes please.

Today’s Push Press.

A couple of things for you to know for today’s workout:

First, this is not an AMRAP for each 4:00 round. You will complete the sit-ups, ball slams, and push press, and then you’re done until the 4:00 is up. During the rest period before the next 4:00 begins you’ll add weight to the bar for the push press. About the push press…

Today there is no prescribed weight, but there are some criteria that need to be met:

The barbell will start from the floor, so the push press weights should be loads that you can also clean.

The 5 reps are meant to be completed unbroken.

Start around 55-60% of your 1RM Push Press and steadily build over the 5 sets.

Plan out your potential weights beforehand which will allow you to have the necessary plates nearby so you can add your weights quickly. Don’t usually pre-plan for your workouts? Check out yesterday’s post about why you should!

Your score will be each of your push press weights.

Hopefully knowing some of this beforehand will help you….yep you guessed it…plan….for today’s workout!

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