Wednesday 191120



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In 15:00 work up to a heavy rep of:

1 Pausing Overhead Squat

From the racks. Pause is 3 seconds at the bottom. Partners will count the 3 second pause for their buddies.




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“Double Jointed”

Complete as many rounds as possible in 16:00 of:

15 Overhead Squats, 95#/65#

30 Double-Unders

15 Deadlifts, 95#/65#

30 Double-unders




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Katie is down with some high rep deadlifts today!

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The Evolve Holiday Party!

Save the date! The CrossFit Evolve Holiday Party will be on Saturday December 21st from 5pm to 9pm! The last few years we stopped trying to cram everyone into various venues around town and started getting a food truck and throwing it down in the gym, and it’s been awesome. We’ll continue with that tradition this year. All the details are still being worked out, but you pretty much know the important stuff, so put it on your calendar and get ready to have a fun evening!

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