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“Thanksgiving Day Partner WOD”
In teams of 3 complete for time:
300 Double Under Buy In
Complete 9 rounds of:
16 Pull-ups
21 Burpees
16 Slamballs, 40#/30#
21 Wall Balls, 20#/14#
300 Double Under Buy Out
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[rs-image img_url=”https://www.crossfit-evolve.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Photo-Aug-18-10-04-23-PM.jpg” link=”” alt=”” width=”400″ height=”” class=”” type=”img-rounded” border=”img-polaroid” new_win=”no” margin=”” pos=”center” wrap=”no”/]
The happy place!
One WOD Today!
Happy Thanksgiving! Remember only one workout today at 9am! Come get yours before enjoying the rest of the day! We hope to see you there!