Tuesday 191029



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In 15:00 work to:

3 Rep Push Jerk

From the racks!




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Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 of:

15 Push Jerks, 115#/85#

30 Air Squats

60 Double-Unders

Push jerks are from the floor. 





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Morgan’s all smiles cause her barbell technique is on point!

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The Push Jerk!

Today’s strength work has us going overhead using the push jerk. Usually CrossFitters will fall into two camps when it comes to going overhead: pro split jerk or pro push jerk. Just like anything, there’s pros and cons to each. Regardless of your opinion, today everyone is going to get better at the push jerk!

Looking at the push jerk, the advantages are that it isn’t as technical as the split jerk, it’s much faster because the feet move way less when compared to the larger split receiving position, and it’s way easier to cycle the barbell for multiple reps like during today’s conditioning. However, the push jerk can be difficult to get low under the bar if you have poor shoulder mobility, and the higher receiving position can sometimes limit the weight we can put overhead compared to the split jerk which allows us to get lower with a vertical torso. There are more pros and cons, but just like anything, we can get better at it with practice, and that’s what you’ll be doing today!

We will coach you up as we build up for today’s lifting sessions, move some heavy weight, then lighten the bar and get after the conditioning piece. Get ready to put some weight up!

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