Monday 191007

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Every 4:00 for 5 rounds complete:

9 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24″/20″

15 Front Squats, 95#/65#

15/12 Cal Bike or Row

Once done with the work rest until the next 4:00 round begins.


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Team Gray working the worm at Uplift!

The Open V 2.0!

As you already know the Open begins THIS WEEK! Have you signed up? 

Here’s some info you might want to know about how the next 5 weeks will look:

Thursday Nights

The Open workout is announced by CrossFit HQ on Thursday nights during the Open. Along with the workouts will be the movement standards, scoring, etc. If you’re signed up for the Open you’ll want to pay attention to this info so you’re clear on what’s going on Friday.

Skill Work Thursdays

Thursdays will be programmed as “Goat Days,” giving you an opportunity to refine skills or work on  weaknesses. You will choose two movements to alternate between on the minute for 20 minutes. Not knowing what the workout will be for the next day, it is up to you to choose what exercises you want to work on.

For those not participating in the Open or who want a little more structure, there will also be an alternate, low impact 20-minute EMOM programmed every week of the Open. This will keep you moving but not blow you up for Friday’s Open workout!

Game Day Fridays

The Open workout announced on Thursday night will be the programmed class workout for Friday. Those looking to get a score will need a judge, while those who aren’t signed up can treat this as a normal class.

he Open is a wonderful time for the worldwide CrossFit community, and especially great at Evolve. It’s a time for us to come together, make each Friday feel like the in-house comp, and throw down some workouts with a couple hundred thousand other CrossFitters across the globe. We hope you’ll get registered and experience this great event first hand.

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