Thursday 190725

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“Air BnB”

Complete 5 rounds for total reps of:

1:00 AbMat Sit-ups

1:00 Bike/Row (cals)

1:00 Air Squats

1:00 Rest


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A full gym is a fun gym!

Project Uplift!

Hey! You know about Project Uplift right?! Sign-ups are going strong for the event and we want YOU to be there. This is not an elite CrossFit competition, this is a fundraising event for a great cause. With that, this is a very approachable comp for even the greenest CrossFitters. We’ve talked with some who would love to do it but don’t think they’re ready. If you think you want to, then do it! We will have TONS of Evolve folks there and it will be a blast.

We are still planning on offering team color shirts for those that want to. We’ll get them at a reasonable price for everyone and it will be cool to have a gym uniform out there on the grinder! We’ll choose one of the existing Evolve logos to be printed in white, and the shirt color will match your team name. 

If this doesn’t make you want to throw together a team to do some fitnessing we don’t know what will!

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