Monday 190729



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In 12:00 work up to a heavy:

3 Rep Push Jerk

Bars are coming from the racks for this!




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“Beef Jerky”

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 of:

21 Kettlebell Swings, 55#/35#

14 Kettlebell Reverse Lunges, 55#/35#

7 Push Jerks, 165#/115#




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Charlie getting ready to toe the line of the Never Summer 100k!

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Do Something Great Today.

Our guy Charlie, as seen above, set out to complete the Never Summer 100k this weekend. As of the time this is being written he’s still running. We’ll share how it went later, but it really doesn’t matter how it went. Because he out himself our there and he did it. Badass.

One of the coolest things we see at Evolve is what people are able to do outside of the gym. The physical training you put yourself through within the walls of the gym allows you to be capable of pretty much anything you want. What’s often overlooked is the mental fortitude you develop alongside the physical ability as you train CrossFit, and that may be an even bigger factor in your endeavors. 

Whatever it is you’re after, keep training hard, putting in the work, and go get it. 

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