Monday 190715



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In 12:00 work up to a:

3 Rep Thruster

Starts from floor, not racks.




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Complete as many rounds as possible in 14:00 of:

15 Thrusters, 95#/65#

30 Double-unders

15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups

30 Double-unders




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1 of the 24 starts to a TEAMWORK Hero WOD. 

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There really are now words to describe how incredible this year’s TEAMWORK event was so there’s no point in even trying. We had tons of people coming and going throughout the entire event, and we had a bunch stay for 24 hours. We had those who showed up in the middle of the night to throw down with us (and bringing with them home-made cinnamon rolls thank you Frank and Nancy!!!), and those who stuck to their regular gym routine and simply hit their WOD for the day. All of them made this event a success. 

As we talked about before each workout, this wasn’t about us. It wasn’t about how we felt, or if we were sore, or tired, or hungry. It was about each of those 24 that the workout was named for and the sacrifice they, their family, and their friends made for all of us. We honored them well. Thank you to those who were a part of it. 

2 thoughts on “Monday 190715”

  1. Had so much fun! Hopefully next year I can stay for the entire thing! Should have stayed longer, went home and couldn’t sleep anyway.

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