Thursday 190627



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In 20:00 work to heavy sets of:

3 Deadlifts

2 Deadlifts

1 Deadlift

See below for details!




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“Shrute Farms”

Complete as many rounds as possible in 14:00 of:

100m Farmer’s Carry, 50#/35# (in each hand)

30 Abmat Sit-ups

100m Farmer’s Carry, 50#/35# (in each hand)

15 Deadlifts, 205#/145#




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The squad at the Kent Donahue Fundraiser!

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BIG Deadlifts!

Today’s strength session needs a little explanation. You have a 20 minute window to record your heaviest set of 3 deadlifts, 2 deadlifts, and your heaviest single. How this should work is you spend the majority of your time working up to that heavy set of 3 reps. Think about giving yourself 10 minutes to hit warm-up sets and build to that heavy set of 3. Once you get there, continue to build to an even heavier set of 2 reps. Once you hit that heavy double, with the remaining time you’ll work up to that final heaviest single. 

A mistake that will be made today is to spend tons of time on the set of 3 which won’t leave enough time for the sets of 2 and 1. The goal today isn’t a 3 rep PR (though that may happen), it’s a heavy weight for your 3 rep, 2 rep, and 1 rep. Don’t get so focussed on that 3 rep that it costs you on those later sets.

We’ll talk more about approach in the briefing, but getting this out to you before then is going to lead to a really great deadlift session for you today. See you in there!

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