Thursday 190613

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Complete 5 rounds for time of:

100′ Walking Lunge (no weight)

30 Abmat Sit-ups

12 Dumbbell/Kettlebell Power Cleans, 50#/35#

30:00 Cap!


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Ben…strict style!


When we talk about volume in training, simply it’s how many reps we’re doing. We consider anything higher than 100 reps to be high volume for even the most experienced CrossFit athlete. Today you have a long total distance of lunges and 150 reps of sit-ups so you need to be smart!

If you have been inconsistent with your training, you need to scale the volume today. Yep, you need to cut reps. What’s inconsistent? If you are only getting in once or maybe twice a week, that is not enough to equip you to handle today’s volume. Yes the loads are light, but we all know that light loads and high reps is what makes us sore! And if you’re new to Evolve, this is a great example of how we scale things for ability and experience level. You’ve seen our scaling sheet for our new athletes, right?! Today we’ll follow our formula to trim the reps to make this right for you!

Don’t let your ego drive you decision making today. If you’re unsure, talk with your coach, that’s why we’re there!


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