Tuesday 190521

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“Strict Nicole”

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20:00 of:

Run 400m

Max Reps Strict Pull-ups

Come off the pull-up bar and the round ends. Score is total number of strict pull-ups. 


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PRs for days!

CompTrain Daily Mindset.

Powerful words from the CompTrain crew:

“Most of the time we feel tired not because we’ve done too much, but because we’ve done too little of what makes us come alive.” – Jim Kwik

We’re not going to pretend the hard times go away. And that we won’t need to do things that we’d rather not. We have commitments, obligations, and bills to pay. But when we find ourselves in a daily loop of non-stop “work”… we won’t feel like ourselves.

But it’s not the time we put in at work that causes this. It’s the time we don’t put in on the other things. The really important things, that we so passionately care about… but fall to the wayside because we need to get back to work.

The times where we are the most unhappy, are the times where we are the most untrue to ourselves. Recognize what sets you on fire. What makes you come alive. And literally schedule it on your calendar as if it’s a life-saving doctors appointment. Because in truth… it is.

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