Thursday 190523

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“Family Feud”

Class divides into 2 teams and completes as many rounds as possible in 25:00 of:

50m Sled Push, 95#/45#

100m Odd Object Run (your choice)

200m Run

Please see below for details. 


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Nothing better than the post-WOD hang out!

Family Feud!

Here are some details on how today will work!

The class will be divided into 2 even teams.

Each team has only one sled, but multiple odd objects for their runs.

Sled is the only station that can’t have multiple athletes moving on it.

Athletes can “lap” each other. 

Once you finish the sled, you move directly to the odd object run, and then directly to the 200m run with no rest. 

Only rest would be waiting for the sled to become available.

Each team member will count one round after their 200m runs. 

Score is total rounds for the entire team.

This will be a fun one, come throw down with your friends!

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