Wednesday 190403



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Complete 5 sets of:

500m Row

Compare to 11/29/18 and 1/31/19.

Score is SLOWEST 500m. See below!




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With a partner complete 2 sets of:

20 Hollow Rocks

While one partner is performing the hollow rocks, the other is hanging from the pull-up bar, then switch.




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Chris showing off his overhead squat skills!

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Row Repeat!

Remember this last time we did this and we put your SLOWEST 500 on the board instead of your fastest? Remember all the complaining that ensued about this injustice we bestowed on you? Remember how we told you why we did this? Because on 11/29/18 some people (but not all) did one or two really, really hard 500s then dogged the last rest? Not the stimulus we were after that day, so we had to make a change.

Well guess what? All of us coaches chatted about after the last 500m row day and even though you guys were kind of upset, it did what we needed it to. You guys got after EVERY row interval. Some of you even shared with us that as annoyed as you were, the fact that you had to post the slowest time versus the fastest served as a motivator and you went harder than you would have otherwise. So there you have it. We did some Jedi coach stuff and you got a better workout that day. Well, today, same same. Post your slowest 500m interval. Let’s see what happens!

2 thoughts on “Wednesday 190403”

  1. Dogging the last rows, inconceivable!

    Slowest always made more sense to me, but am happy when it is the fastest!

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