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Complete every 3:00 for 9:00 (3 sets):
3 Bench Press
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Complete 8 rounds of:
0:20 Handstand Hold (back to wall)
0:10 Rest
0:20 Max Reps Kipping Pull-ups
0:10 Rest
Leaderboard is total reps of pull-ups.
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“Don’t Be A Bitch.”
This is the advice I offered the heat that performed 19.2 immediately after I did. Why? Because I was a bitch during 19.2. Not for the entire thing. And not even for most of it. In fact, it only lasted approximately 50 seconds, but it was enough. My social media has been slammed this week with people posting about how they beat their 16.2 score. #fitter. Well, according to that one workout I’m less fit than in 2016. Damnit!
The workout started great, and I was feeling awesome. The first round with the 135# cleans felt light and fast. The second round of T2B and DUs went right according to plan. “This is great” I though, “I’m so much fitter than in 2016”. I started the 185# cleans and they felt….light! I was breathing hard but no problem, I breathe hard all the time, who cares. Rep 6 felt a little slow but still no problem. Then it happened. Rep 7. In a split second I realized that I was just over half way to finishing the 13 reps. I looked at the clock and thought “not enough time”. That was it. I kept at it, 1 rep at a time, watching the time tick away. “Not enough time” went through my mind again. Then on rep 12 I failed to stand up the clean. Looking at the clock with 9 seconds left I knew that was it. I had totally bitched out.
As I fed myself excuses as to why things didn’t go as planned, and as I tried to justify my performance, and as I rationalized with myself that although I would stay true to my “one-and-done” 2019 Open that if given another shot at it I could for sure finish those 185s, I realized that the only reason things ended the way they did was due to my negative thoughts in the moment. Measured in seconds, it was enough to derail my performance.
The Open, just like any CrossFit workout, gives us the opportunity to push ourselves and work to get better. Sometimes the end result is Instagram and hashtag worthy. Many times it’s the opposite. I’ve been at this for a long time and I am still readily handed a smack down on a regular basis, both physically and mentally. As a coach I wish I could tell you that I have it down and my mental and physical games are both close to perfect. However, they are far from that. And that’s what keeps me coming back for more.
I know many of you didn’t achieve the end result you wanted with 19.2. That sucks. That’s also life. Reflect on what happened, think about what you could have done differently, and figure out how you can apply those lessons to not only the rest of the Open but your performance in the gym in general. It’s cliche to say that you learn more from things that don’t go well than you do from perfect performances. It’s also true.
Here’s my parting advice. I’m pretty sure it will help you during 19.3 or in any other challenging situation you find yourself in this week….remember….don’t be a bitch!