Tuesday 190319

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Complete for time:

Row 1000m

50 Dumbbell Step-Overs, 50#+24″/35#+20″

5 Rope Climbs

50 Goblet Squats, 55#/35#

Run 800m


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[rs-image img_url=”https://www.crossfit-evolve.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Photo-Mar-15-4-39-44-PM.jpg” link=”” alt=”” width=”400″ height=”” class=”” type=”img-rounded” border=”img-polaroid” new_win=”no” margin=”” pos=”center” wrap=”no”/]

The Dave Dunn…Masters Athletes, Original Gangster, Chest-to-Bar ninja!

The Waterfall Start!

We love the waterfall start. It means the workout is going to be longish and we’re probably using rowers! And you know how we feel about chippers this workout has it all! Today we’ll start groups every 5:00 or so. This should allow the rowers to clear out after the 1000m. It will also help prevent back-ups on the ropes. In the event that there are a couple of you using the same rope, no big deal, simply alternate climbs. 

This little gem finishes with an 800m run. As we’ve talked about, consider bringing some gear that will keep you warm during the run, especially if you’re throwing down at 6am or 6pm!

This is a longer, slower pace workout, perfect for a Tuesday! We’ll see you in there!

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