[rs-box_content style=”basic_block” txt_color=”#000000″ bkg_color=”#ECECEC” brd_color=”#636363″]
Saturday WOD!
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In Teams of 2 Complete for Time:
30 Synchro Single DB Overhead Lunge, 50#/35#
50 Handstand Push-ups
30 Synchro Single DB Front Rack Lunge, 55#/35# (15 right shoulder, 15 left shoulder)
50 Strict Pull-ups
30 Synchro Single DB Lunge, Arms at Sides (15 right side, 15 left side)
50 Ring Dips
30 Synchro Lunges (no weight)
Alternate on the gymnastics movements as needed.
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[rs-image img_url=”https://www.crossfit-evolve.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Photo-Feb-03-9-18-37-AM.jpg” link=”” alt=”” width=”400″ height=”” class=”” type=”img-rounded” border=”img-polaroid” new_win=”no” margin=”” pos=”center” wrap=”no”/]
One week ago Austin owned the cluster ladder!