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Complete for time:
100 Double-unders
Into 5 Rounds Of:
0:20 L-Sit (accumulated)
10 Power Cleans, 155#/105#
100 Double-unders
See below for the L-sits.
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Jael with the back squats!
Today’s conditioning work calls for 20 seconds of accumulated L-sits each round. This means you can break it up as needed to reach that 20 seconds, or some of you ninjas will get it done in one attempt. If you have RX L-sits you’ll be on the parallettes today. We’ll go over what he RX parameters are during the briefing, but legs straight is going to be one of them! If you don’t have RX L-sits you’ll be hanging on the pull-up bar. We’ll go over the various scaling options including tucks and single leg extensions.
For today you’re going to have to keep track of your own time using the clock versus you approximating 20 seconds in your head…the clock doesn’t lie and 20 seconds needs to be 20 seconds today! Some ways that you can make this happen is starting your effort on the :10 mark, which makes it easier to keep track of those 20 seconds. If you’re breaking up the 20 seconds, consider using :05 or :10 as break points, making the math as easy as possible for you. We’ll hit some more details during the briefing today, but this will be a good start for you get put your plan together!