Wednesday 190116



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Complete 5 rounds for time of:

50 Double-unders

Run 200m 




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In 10:00 practice:

Rope Climbs

See below!




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Coach KV always says if you want to climb a rope you gotta practice climbing a rope. I don’t know if she really says this, but I do know she agrees!

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Rope Climb Practice.

Remember the first time you got to the top of the rope? I bet you do! And if you haven’t gotten that feeling yet, we can’t wait until you do. After the conditioning work today we’ll spend 10 minutes or so practicing rope climbs. The coach will pull those who have yet to reach the top off to the side and provide some small group coaching with skills and drills to help you get to the top. If you already have rope climbs, here are some options for you:

Refine skill working on knees high as possible for each reset.

Ascend with as few resets as possible.

Legless Rope Climbs.

Seated-Start Legless Rope Climbs.

Make it right for you, get some good work in during this finisher. And let’s put some “First Rope Climb” PRs on the board!!!


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