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Every 2:30 for 5 sets complete:
3 Shoulder Press
Compare to 11/30/18 and 1/7/19.
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Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 of:
1 Strict Pull-up
2 Push-up
3 Air Squat
2 Strict Pull-up
4 Push-up
6 Air Squat
3-6-9, 4,-8-10….
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In House Comp sign-ups are live and you don’t even need a computer!
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In House Comp Sign-Ups Are Up!
The high tech sign-up is ready to go, here are the steps to sign up for the 6th Annual In-House Comp on February 2nd:
RX, Scaled, or Masters (45+)? You decide.
Grab a dry erase marker.
Write your name on the board under the appropriate category.
High five the coach.
Pretty easy. The workouts will be announced the week before the event on February 2nd and you’ll have the opportunity to change your division if you feel you need to once you see the workouts. This is a fun event and there won’t be anything thrown your way that you haven’t done before. Our goal is to throw down some workouts, give everyone a taste of what competitive CrossFit feels like, and to make this an awesome day for our Evolve community! We hope you’ll be a part of it!