Wednesday 181226



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Every 3:00 for 3 sets perform:

5 Front Squats

Compare to 11/28/18 and beat the heaviest set of 5 from that day!




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Complete for time:

60 Double-unders

30 Toes-to-Bar

60 Double-unders

30 Toes-to-Bar

60 Double-unders




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Jace getting in them OH Squats!

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Normal Hours Today!

Christmas came and went, today it’s time to get back at work. Did you know you don’t have to wait until January 1st to start striving for some new goals? Nope! You can start right now. And we’re hear to give you every opportunity to reach the goals that are built in the gym! We’re running our normal hours today:

6am WOD

9am WOD

10am WOD

11am Open Gym

4pm WOD

5pm WOD

6pm WOD

7pm Open Gym

That’s a lot of chances to get your fitness in today! “Too busy/too much to do/not enough time/doesn’t fit my schedule” isn’t a real thing with a gym schedule like that! So, we’ll see you in there, right? Right!

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