Thursday 181227



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Every minute on the minute for 25:00 complete:

Minute 1: Row Cals

Minute 2: Push Press, 135#/95#

Minute 3: Box Jumps, 30″/24″

Minute 4: Strict Pull-ups

Minute 5: Hand Release Push-ups

Score is total reps/cals.




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Complete 3 rounds NOT for time of:

10 Parallette Shoot-Throughs

7/7 Kettlebell Snatch

Then, complete 100 lying face-up reverse fly (light band)




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D likes to throw big weight overhead. Today be like D!

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Strict Pull-ups? Say Whaaat?!

Yep, today’s pull-ups are strict. No gymnastics kip. No butterfly. Just a nice, clean, strict pull-up. Why? Because we want you to be strong. Because we can’t always rely on momentum to accomplish the work. Sometimes we can, and we should. But sometimes we have to work another way.

The 1:00 of pull-ups today is about building pull-up strength. It is not uncommon for people to have a good amount of pull-ups with a kip, but to not have many strict pull-ups. We want to fix that. Today you have 1:00 each round which will allow you to get in the right amount of work for you. If you don’t have strict pull-ups, don’t worry! We’ll have some options for you to use that will help develop them!


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