Wednesday 181128



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Every 3:00 for 3 sets perform:

5 Front Squats

Build across the 3 sets with a new 5RM at the 3rd set. 




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Complete 5 rounds for time of:

20 Wall Balls, 20#/14#

25 Ab Mat Sit-ups




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In honor of today’s wall balls, a little throw back from the Project Uplift Evolve crew!

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Found My Fitness!

For those of you who like to nerd out on wellness, fitness, science, and the like, you may have heard of Dr. Rhonda Patrick. If not, check out her website Found My Fitness. She posts lots of info on current studies that shed light on the things we care about like fitness, health, and avoiding disease. She recently posted her interpretation of a study on exercise performed over a lifetime:

Lifelong physical activity will keep you young! Older individuals in their 70’s that exercised for 50+ years had skeletal muscle metabolic fitness that was indistinguishable from those of active people in their 20’s. These active elderly folk had regularly engaged in activities such as running, cycling, swimming or just working out over the decades. Metabolic enzymes and capillary number from skeletal muscle biopsies looked similar between the active individuals in their 70’s and those in their 20’s. That’s a 50 year chronological age difference between the two active age groups and yet their skeletal muscle metabolic fitness was indistinguishable!

This suggests that muscle metabolic fitness can be maintained with lifelong aerobic exercise. So awesome! The active elderly group also had cardiovascular health as measured by VO2 max similar to people 30 years younger. There is a really good New York Times article titled: “Regular Exercise May Keep Your Body 30 Years Younger” that covers the study in-depth.

The study is titled: “Cardiovascular and Skeletal Muscle Health with Lifelong Exercise” and is published in the Journal of Applied Physiology.

The takeaway? This is not a sprint, this is a marathon. A journey. There are no quick fixes. The participants in this study exercised regularly for over 50 years. 50 years! Your fitness should not be a New Years Resolution. It should not only be about the whiteboard or the weight lifted or your Fran time. That should be part of it for sure, but take a step back and look at the big picture. This should be a lifestyle that you embrace, sustain, and work at for your entire life. Why? Because it will not only improve the quality of your life, it will allow you to make that high quality life last as long as possible!

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