Monday 181112

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21 – 15 – 9

Thrusters, 95#/65#


Compare to: 2/13/18, 12/12/17, 7/7/17, 1//17/17, 9/9/16, 6/8/16, 1/15/16, 9/23/15, 1/6/14, 7/15/13, 6/1/12, 7/12/11, 4/13/10, 9/9/10, 11/8/10


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Get ready for some pull-ups!

How To Get The Most Out Of Our Friend Fran!

We’ve posted this before. We also still believe it!


This workout is meant to be a hard hitter and leave you lying on the floor when you’re done! It can be tempting to want an RX so bad on this that you will do whatever it takes, even if that means grinding through the workout with a weight that’s too heavy to hit the intended stimulus. Or doing single reps of pull-ups in the first set to pace this thing to a 17 minute endeavor. That’s not what we’re after with this WOD so to help you guys figure out where things should be and to make sure you’re getting everything you need to from this, here are some ground rules for today:

21 Thrusters: You can’t do more than 3 sets to get through these. You should really be doing them unbroken, or maybe with 1 break if that’s part of the strategy. Regardless, when that bar hits the ground on the 3rd time you need to move on to the pull-ups even if you haven’t hit 21 reps. Soooo, choose the right weight to make this happen!

21 Pull-ups: Same idea, but more breaks. You can have 5 sets to get these done. That’s one set of 5 and the rest sets of 4. We’ve done this before and many folks got through multiple sets of consecutive reps that were larger than they’ve ever done. You can do this. After 5 sets, move back to the thrusters even if you haven’t hit 21.

15 Thrusters: It’s less reps, fight to get through this unbroken. If that’s not in the cards, you can have 3 sets to get through this. However, do it in 2 sets. Seriously.

15 Pull-ups: 4 sets for you here. After your 4 sets, move back to the thrusters even if you haven’t hit your 15 reps.

9 Thrusters: Same deal, do it unbroken. You’re almost there! However, you can do 2 sets if needed. But like we said, you’re almost done. Fight through this. After 2 sets, back to pull-ups.

9 Pull-ups: We’d love for you to get through this in 3 sets at most. However, we know you’re close to finishing so do what you have to in order to finish.

We know that this will piss some folks off. But we also know that many of those pissed off folks are going to get through this WOD faster than they ever have and probably do some larger sets than they have along the way, at which point they won’t be pissed anymore! Many times it’s not just about the RX on the board, it’s about the bigger picture and the goals of the programming for your development as an athlete. Trust us and have fun with this today, we can’t wait to see your PRs!


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