Friday 181012



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Every 3:00 for 5 sets complete:

3 Thrusters

The first 2-3 sets should be moderate, and add weight across all sets. 




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Complete for time:

10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1

Unbroken Thrusters, 115#/75#

10:00 Time Cap. 




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Who had a good deadlift day yesterday??

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The details of todays workout may be a little different for you. We’ll be doing just one movement, at one weight, for the entire time. But the devil is in the details: each set must be done unbroken. So for example, that first set of 10 thrusters must be done unbroken. If you drop the bar at 8, the set isn’t complete and should be started over. 

Selecting the proper weight is going to be important today. Go too heavy and you won’t get through those larger sets. Go too light and, well, you simply don’t get what you could have out of the workout. So how do we choose an appropriate weight? For part 1 you’ll be working up to a heavy set of 3. The coaches can help you select a good weight based on what you did during the 5 sets of the strength portion. If you come to us asking “what weight should I use for this?” be ready to tell us the weight you used for all 5 sets of the strength portion. 

The other consideration today is your rest period. Wait too long to recover from each set and you might not finish under the 10 minute time cap. Shorten your rest too much and you risk not recovering enough to successfully complete the unbroken set. The rest between the sets will be completely based on feel. But we’re pretty sure many will err on resting too long versus too short, so don’t be afraid to take chances!

One of the beautiful things about CrossFit is that we have the opportunity to learn something about ourselves each and every workout. Today is no exception. You might not execute it perfectly, but that’s not really the goal. Pay attention to the small things today, be aware of what you learn, and then apply it next time. This is how we get better!

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