Wednesday 180905

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Complete every minute on the minute for 28:00:

Minute 1: 20/15-cal Row

Minute 2: 5 Bar Muscle-ups

Minute 3: 50 Double-unders

Minute 4: 15 Burpees

Larger groups, plan for a staggered start due to rowers!


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September Athlete of the Month: Diana!

Diana! She’s been with us over a year and we’re super grateful to have her part of the crew! Evolve was her first CrossFit experience and she hasn’t looked back, even recruiting friends to be a part of the gym. Over the last 15 months she’s gotten stronger (even though she was pretty strong when she started!!) and she’s gotten faster. So fast in fact that she thought it would be a good idea to fly up to Alaska with a bunch of other Evolve friends to run in a relay race (more on that later this week)! 

Way to go Diana, you’re crushing it and we can’t wait to see what the next 15 months has in store!! Good luck in Alaska, we know you’ll crush it!!

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