Wednesday 180718



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WOD Part 1

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In 12:00 work up to a:

1RM Shoulder Press




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WOD Part 2

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Complete 2 rounds for total reps of:

2:00 Max rep strict pull-ups

1:00 Rest

2:00 Max rep ring push-ups

1:00 Rest

2:00 Max Double KB/DB front rack walk (55#/35#). Every 25 feet counts as a rep.

1:00 Rest




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The Press.

Today you are going to PR your press. This should be your mindset before you get to the gym. Picture it right now. We’ll get you warm, put 12:00 on the clock, and you will work your way up in weight. You will shoulder the bar loaded to a weight you’ve never put overhead in strict fashion. You will lock out your legs, take a huge breath and engage your midsection, and you will press with all you have until you lock the weight overhead. It will be slow, it will be difficult, but you won’t doubt yourself and you won’t stop until you reach lockout. Once there you will hold it for a second or 2 and enjoy your accomplishment. Then you’ll drop the bar to the floor, hit Part 2 of the WOD, write your new PR on the board, and ring the bell. You’ll be stoked for the rest of the day, and that’s OK because it was hard earned. Picture it now and get after it.

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