Friday 180706

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Complete for time:

1500/1300m Row

100 Hand-Release Push-ups

50 Dumbbell Snatches, 50#/35#

We’ll do 2 – 3 heats, each starting after the row.


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Summer PRs!

Save The Date!

We always talk about our community and how strong it is. Well, it all stems from you guys and here’s yet another example of how awesome you guys are. Please save the date for this, and thank you Maiki, we’re humbled by this!

SAVE THE DATE! August 18th, 2018

Hi Everyone!

I am going to let you in on a little secret.

We have some really AMAZING coaches at Evolve.

They put a tremendous amount of effort into each class making us all fitter while most importantly keeping us healthy and safe! Beyond that they go the extra mile to make us all feel welcome and cared for each time we walk through the door.

In honor of them I am going to host a Coaches Appreciation BBQ to celebrate them!

More information to come later but the basic details are:

All Evolve family is welcome

Pot luck style, I’ll create an online sign up so a variety of food is brought

Will start sometime after Saturday WOD and open gym

So please save the date if this sounds like something you want to attend!


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