Tuesday 180612



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Complete every 4:00 for 5 sets:

35 Foot Walking Dumbbell Lunge, 50#/35#

3 Deadlifts

Go immediately from the lunge to the deadlift. Add weight to the bar each round, heaviest set of 3 deadlifts will be recorded. We’ll partner up to make numbers work with the DBs.




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3 Rounds, NOT for time

20 Superman (w/ 2 second pause)

20 Abmat Sit-ups




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WOD and Wine….TONIGHT!

Hey ladies, WOD and Wine is happening TONIGHT from 7-8:30 PM! The Lady Coaches of Evolve have been out there getting after it to put on a great event for you tonight! What’s that mean? Check this out….

Athleta will be at Evolve doing a trunk show

Mini Facials from Rodan and Fields

Drawing for a NOW Sports personal blender

Drawing for an NOW Sports essential oil infuser 

Drawings for discounted CrossFit Evolve Private Intros for new members

Mini Chair Massages from Kristina at Rise Up Wellness and Recovery

A partner WOD, wine, and snacks. Bring a friend and show them what the CrossFit Evolve Community is all about!!


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