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Squat Clean
5 – 5 – 5 – 5
Perform a set every 4:00. Quick singles are allowed but each set of 5 must be completed within 30 seconds.
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Complete for time:
15 Squat Cleans, 135#/95#
21 Cal Row
We’ll do a staggered start to accommodate larger WODs.
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There is so much happening at CrossFit Evolve right now. Fun, isn’t it?!
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CrossFit Evolve Kids Summer Program!
Want to keep your kiddos busy this summer without using something that plugs in? Wish you had the chance to learn how to perform functional movements correctly before you were all grown up? Think your little ones would benefit from all of the good stuff we get from training at CrossFit Evolve? Then this is for you….the Summer Session of CrossFit Evolve Kids is kicking off!
June 19 through July 27th
Tuesdays: 7-8 pm
Saturdays: 8-9 am
Cost: $175
Coach KV and Coach Stine have worked so hard over the last few years to develop a program for the kids like no other. The kids who have come through the CrossFit Evolve Kids program have not only learned to move well, they have fun, they’ve developed friendships, they’ve learned that it’s good to work hard, and they’ve gotten everything from CrossFit that we have. They just have had the benefit of starting young!
If you have any questions or to sign up, please talk with Coach KV or Coach Stine or shoot Stine an email at stine@www.test.crossfit-evolve.com !