Friday 180608

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With a running clock:

Part 1: Complete for time:

15 – 12 – 9 – 6 – 3

Hang Power Snatch, 95#/65#

Thruster, 95#/65#

10:00 Time Cap

Part 2: With remaining time to 16:00:

Work up to a 1RM Hang Power Snatch


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Molly getting after some deadlifts pre-pink cast! PC: KJ!!

Good Luck Ragnar Runners!

Starting at 2pm today some of your Evolve fam are running in the CrossFit Division of the Ragnar Trail Relay in Snowmass. A typical team consists of 8 runners each running around 15 miles in a 24 hour period. Screw that! We’re CrossFitters and 15 miles is child’s play, so the Evolve Team registered in the “Ultra” division, which is a team of 4 each running a total of around 30 miles. The good news? It’s not one long run, but a series of legs broken up over the 24 hours. Easy business. Good luck to Team CrossFit Evolve Ultra…let’s do this thing!


Ragnar Trail Snowmass – CO from Ragnar on Vimeo.


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