Wednesday 180523



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Complete as many rounds as possible in 10:00 of:

5 Handstand Push-ups

10 Gymnastics Kip Pull-ups (no butterflies today)

30 Double-unders




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Complete 4 rounds NOT for time of:

10 Barbell Rows

15 Seated Bar Rows to Chest




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Kelly E getting in work!

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Just Say No To Butterfly Pull-ups Today.

What the eff, I’ve been working on my butterflies just waiting for a workout like this so I can crush it? Now you say no butterflies? What gives? 

It’s true that if the goal is to get as fast a time or as many reps as possible, it’s hard to argue that there’s a more efficient way to cycle pull-ups than the butterfly kip. But you’re a savvy athlete and you know that it’s not all about doing it fast right? Right. So today we’re going to focus on the gymnastics kip to cycle your pull-ups. It translates to other movements like muscle-ups, bar muscle-ups, toes-to-bar, and knees to elbows, and gives us an opportunity to refine the gymnastics kip. Keep a careful focus on your positioning during the kip and embrace the practice, especially if you’re a butterfly ninja!

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