Thursday 180517



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Complete every minute on the minute for 20:00:

Minute 1: Push Press, 115#/75#

Minute 2: Weighted Bear Crawl, 35#/20# (1 KB or 1 DB, 5 feet = 1 rep)

Minute 3: Row Cals

Minute 4: Rest

Score is total reps.




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On Parallettes:

2 x 10 Heel Taps (both legs)
2 x 0:05 Tuck-Sit Hold
2 x 0:05 Single Leg L-sit
2 x 0:05 L-sit

Increase timeframe by 0:10 if needed to make each drill more challenging.




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Yesterday was a pretty great day of lifting!

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For Total Reps.

That’s your score today. Total reps over 20 minutes. The good thing is today you have built in rest. What’s this mean? You can push those 3 minutes of work knowing that you’ll get to take 1 minute off. This should be a huge mental boost for you. How many of you get as many or more reps at the end of a workout like today compared to the early rounds? This is because you know it’s the end and you put in an all-out effort to drive your score higher and higher. It’s a beautiful thing! Today we challenge you to go a little harder than is comfortable for the whole workout, especially during that row. You get 1 minute to compose yourself at the end of that last minute, so why not?!

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